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Fuji case qualification data

TeraTurtles qualified by FUJI - 1st Quarter of 2015.

The quality assurance lab for FUJI FILM’s North American office has performed testing on Perm-A-Store’s new TeraTurtle design.  As one of the world's leading media manufacturers, Fuji is qualified to determine the critical level of performance required in a protective tape case. 

Three models of TeraTurtle  (10 Capacity LTO, 20 Capacity LTO, 30 Capacity LTO) were tested in the following way:

  • Written with live data
  • Tested for errors
  • Dropped
  • Read for written data
  • Tested for errors

See detailed test plan and results in the documents below.

Three popular TeraTurtle models were tested in this manner with no data loss or degraded error response.  Turtle cases were tested both in an overpack shipping box and without any external packaging.

Perm-A-Store has worked diligently to develop this premium case with uniquely engineered interior components that combine the benefits of cushioning foam (but without risk of debris contaminants) and a slotted divider system.  This design delivers a protective environment that allows the tape to "float" during transport - thus delivering the best protection in the industry. 

TeraTurtle 10 results

TeraTurtle 20 results

TeraTurtle 30 results